Your contribution, large or small, will make a difference!
Assistance League of Santa Clarita is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation. Your contributions are fully tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. We are an all-volunteer organization; therefore your contribution is maximized.
See the many Friends of Assistance League of Santa Clarita.
Ways to Donate
Your Gifts are Greatly Appreciated
Contributions can be made on-line (credit card) or by mail.
Please mail checks to:
Assistance League of Santa Clarita
26045 Bouquet Canyon Road
Santa Clarita, CA 91350
Assistance League of Santa Clarita is registered as a nonprofit in the state of California.
Honor Family & Friends
Donations may be made to honor the memory of a loved one or to celebrate significant events.
We will send a letter to the person or family you have chosen to honor.
Gift amounts are not listed. Contributions can be made on-line.
Resale Store
Proceeds from our Resale Store help fund our philanthropic programs.
Bring your donations of new or gently-used items to our location at 26045 Bouquet Canyon Road, Santa Clarita, CA.
Stay to shop.
We offer quality merchandise at affordable prices.
Shopping Hours
Donation Hours
How Your Donations Help
All donations stay in the Santa Clarita area, benefiting children, seniors, and foster youth transitioning to independence through our philanthropic programs.
Additional Information
To make a monetary contribution, please make your check payable to “Assistance League” and mail to:
Assistance League of Santa Clarita
26045 Bouquet Canyon Road
Santa Clarita, CA 91350
Assistance League of Santa Clarita is listed with GuideStar.
Assistance League of Santa Clarita is supported by both monetary and in-kind contributions from members, individuals, businesses, and foundations. Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Our tax ID number is 95-4271779.
Friends of Assistance League of Santa Clarita
Assistance League of Santa Clarita would like to express our appreciation to all the individual supporters, small businesses, corporations and foundations who have so graciously supported our philanthropic programs.
Brenda and Ralph Abrego
Gayle and Bob Nolet
Nikki Aguilar
Joann Allebrand
Claudine and Bryant Allen
Marylu and James Allen
Kathie Allie
Katie Anderson
Wayne and Nancy Archie
Susan Armstrong
Dr. Tony Avakian
Diane and Bob Ayres
Sheila Babic
Maryann Baghdasarian
Beate Baker
Diane and Glen Baker
Hjordis Bakke
Jennifer Barczak
Nancy Barker
Helen and Jeff Barlow
Megan Bean
Faith Bearchell
Tina and Jack Bechtold
Sonja Bennett
Jan Berentsen
Diane Bergstrom
Karen Berns
Kira and Chad Bible
Nancy Bilek
Don Blauner
Kelli and Gene Bleeker
Julie and Harry Bogosian
Jon Bonar
Laverne Booth
Charles Branda
Sheryl Brennan
Denzel Brenner
Jill and Bob Broline
Christine and Robert Brown
Joel Browning
Angie Buchanan
Pat and Ronny Bullock
Mareen and Johathan Burk
Michelle and Bruce Burnham
Kirker Butler
Arlene and Jerry Cain
Karen and Terry Campbell
Michelle Caputo
Cheryl and Phil Carlson
Jeannie and Chris Carpenter
Colleen and Matt Carpenter
Cesar Castillo
Stephanie Chakur
Chris Chappelle
Ana Chiaverini
Carol Chiodo
Melody Chiuminatta Turpin
Chris and Casey Ciccone
Susana Clark
Barbara Cochran
Patricia and Richard Cohn
Courtney and Brian Coleman
Carla Combs
Ruth and Gary Combs
Yolanda and Mike Conklin
Brooks Conley
Patty Connery
Carrie Contreras
Christine Cook
Melanie Cotterell
Wayne and Dianne Crawford
Julie Creps
Francis and Janice Cunningham
Diana Cusumano
Joan and Patrick Daems
Marcia and David Dains
Pamela Dall
Donna Davidson
Judith Davis
Roberta Davis
Sally Dawson
Carol Dazzo
Katia De Los Reyes
Regina Lyn Debock
Diane V Deboer
Norma DeCarolis
Jody and Matthew Degeorge
Judy Degiorgio
Mary DeGolyer
Cheryl Dellepiane
Marilynn Delmatoff
Terry Deloria
Judith Demsky and Ericson Dunstan
Annie Demuth
Lilia Denson
David Deutch
Diann Diangelous
Kathie Dickens
Sally Dickinson
Rhawnie Doad
Linda Docks
Debbie and Steve Dole
S.F. Dorfman
Robert Dunn
Katie and Robert Eager
Richard Edelman
Anna Marie Edmiston
Terri Egar
Judy and Richard Eichner
Louise Elerding
Taylor Ellingsworth
Grace and Jack Elliott
Trudy Emeterio
Joanne Emiko Izurrara
Durinda and Mark Evanoff
Cally Evanoff and Peter Soroko
Sharon Eyrich
Michael Fischer
Sue Fischer
Jennifer and Brian Fleming
Debra and Lance Fogan
Mary Fonnegra
Betty and Rick Fung
Janice and Mike Fung
Morgan Fung
Tammy Gabriel
Yvonne Gaffney
Sharon Nichols and Paul Ganci
Clara Garner
Barbara and Jack Garrett
Marcia Gaskill
Charles Gassner
Jill Gebhardt
Gregory S Geeting
Nicole Geeting
Jen Gerard
Michelle Ellen Gerard
Dr. Barbara Gieser
Kathleen Giordano
Stephanie Gligorijevic
Carolyn Goedike
Jill Goldberg
Jeri Goldenhar
Rene Gonzalez
Susan Good
Denise Gough
Dr Cameron Grade
Holly Gravett
Cheryl Gray
Lori Gray
Joanne Greene
Katherine L. Greene
Debby Greene and Lisa Williams
Stacy Grover
Stephanie Gurne
Linda Guss
Laura and Rob Hall
Jackie and John Hamby
Cecelia Hann-Nishiguchi
Marta Harris
Roberta and Neil Harris
Bev and John Hartigan
Janet and Rob Hartman
Joyce Hasper
Cindy Hathaway
Deborah Hattox
Laura Hauser
Beverly and Scott Helgeson
Chris Hellstrom
Betty Herme
Lori and Arthur Hernandez
Debra and John Heys
Patty Hobson
Dana Hoffman
Paula and John Hoffman
Sharon Hoglund
Rita Horn
Penny Horne
Erin Howell
Billie and Don Hubbard
Kristine and Michael Huber
Elenore Hull
Gay Hull
Geri Jacobs
Tricia Jacobs
Joan and Jeff Jacobson
Raquel Jarel
Deborah Jelen
Jeff Jens
Jen and Casey Johnson
Mel and Art Johnson
Nancy Johnson
Nancy Jones
Margie and Dennis Junker
Jackie Justus
Lisa and Bob Kalmbach
Chisato and Gary Kanagi
Mark Kaplan
Steven Kaplan
Jack Kashirsky
Theresa Katz
Deanna and Jon Kean
Judge and Mrs. Haig Kehiayam
Kathryn Kellar
Linda and Jim Keltner
Jenny Killgore
Rene Kilroy
Caryn and William King
Tracy and Russell Klehn
Joe Klocko
Noemi Knights
Mamie Kosaka
Megan Kosaka Caldera
Ned Kramer
Denise Kuhn
Christine Labishak
Jean LaCorte
Jan Ladd
Steve Lambourne
Josephine Landerer
Ann Marie Langer
Charlene Lanning
Margaret LaRocco
Margaret and Stewart Larocco
Judi and Gregory LaSalle
Marlee Lauffer
Charles Lee
Paulette and Edward Lee
Leslie Lee
Carol and Zemmer Lenoir
Wendy Leonard
Paula Levand
Laurie Levine
Susan Lichten
Linda Likens
Carolyn Lin
Sharon and Dave Linder
Evelyn Lindgren
Debbie Link
Brenda S Litt
Carolyn and Lee Lodes
Connie Loerch
Dana Logan
Anita and Jim Lombardi
Sondra and John Lombardo
Jennifer and Dan Lopez
Carol and Willard Love
Margaret and David Lowdermilk
Valerie Lunt
Clare Macaulay, DDS
Patricia Magon
Gail Maijala
Debra Joy Main
Eileen Mann
Maria Lyn Manzano
Lillian Marek
Ashley Matkin
Patricia Matus
Stacey and Terry Mayfield
Eden McClellan
Robert McLaughlan
Felicia McLaughlin
Yvonne Medina Mojica
Jackie Mellor-Guin
Francine Metcalf
Joyce and Roger Meyer
Judi Miller
Kathleen Misaki
Nancy Moeder
Mayann and Philip Montiforte
Linda Moss
Jackie and Darrell Mouw
Clare Mucenieks
Jan and Dave Munroe
Susan Murphy
Patty Nagel
Jan Neice
Tanya Nellen
Joey and Mike Newman
Joey Nguyen
Carolyn and Nick Nickson
Mary North
Shirley and John
Susan O’Neal
Anna Ott
Jolee and John Owens
Tarlena Owens
Patti Paglia
Trica Paige
Lisa Park
Karen Parker
Judy Paschal
Nancy Pate
Richard Patterson
Ann and Richard Patterson
Debra Pecel
Dee Pekrul
Michelle Penez
Jacqulyn and Harold Petersen
Leslie and Joseph Peyton
Penni Piccini
Doug Pierce
Lata and Wilfred Pinto
Judy and Allen Plouff
Shari Polzer
Susan Ponton
Ruth Port Riley
Mary Post
Teresa and Rick Pratt
Angela Preece
Ara Printsian and Tamar Seropian
Tracie Priske
Marsha and Jimmie Purefoy
Jackie Quon
Jill and Joel Rabin
Lynn Rafac
Janyce and James Rafferty
Patricia and Charles Rasmussen
Sharon Rathbun
Gloria and Jim Regan
Nancy and Tom Reichenbach
Patrice Rifkind
Anne and Bob Ritchie
Tom Robertson
Jo Ann and Donald Rodriguez
Maureen and Rick Rollins
Jessica Roque
Leila K Rosenberger
Vicky Rubin
Lynn and Dirk Ruffin
Carol Russell
Beth Ryan
Sondra Salas
Dottie Sander
Diane and Michael Sayre
Joyce Carson and Doran Schleifer
Shaine Schramling
Kelley Schranz
Christina and Tom Schultz
Louise Schultz
Peter Schultz
Cindy Schultz
Carol Scott
Anita and Ken Seibert
Joseph Seward
Sharon Shafer
Asha and Stephen Shaw
Victor Shein
Beverly Silsbee
Linnie and Tom Simmons
Marla and Ed Simon
Eileen and Greg Simons
Sally and William Sipes
Liz Skyler
Jennifer Slater
Joanie and Lee Smelser
Sandra and Dean Smith
Leslie Smith
Vivian and Jasen Smtih
Catherine E Snow
Ann and Dave Socher
Donna Soliz
Dr Lynette Soto
Carole A Spencer
Maureen Spindt
Diane Spurney
Marie and Al Stedman
Elizabeth Sternberg
Susanne and Chip Sterndahl
Robin Stewart
Charlene Stoddard
Wes Storch
Vianney and Ben Stovall
Marlene and Laurence Strauss
Julie and Steve Sturgeon
Suri Surainder
Linda Swanson
Pat and Sherwood Tabarejo
Sherwood Tabarejo
Cathy and Kevin Tamura
Connie Tangonan
Marcia and Steve Tannehill
Chris and David Tanner
Wayne and Shar Tanouye
Elaine Tartek
Marilyn Taylor
Bonnie Teaford and Ted Clark
Elizabeth Teagle
Barbara and Dale Terrell
Mary Terry
Mary and Johannes Tesselaar
Valerie and Michael Thompson
Gayle Tietjens
Marilyn and Thomas Tobin
Melissa Townsend
Carolyn and Steven Tranovich
Sue Trock
Connie Troesch
Debbie Tucker
James Tucker
Nancy Turner
Patty Turner
Melody and David Turpin
Judy Upham
Nancy Vallens
Chris and Juan Vela
Sara Veldcamp
Vivian Villarreal
Robert Louis Vincent
Debra A.G. Wacker
Christine Wagner
Barbara Walker
Debra Walker
Susan Waller
Lisa Walsh
Jeanette Ward
Holly Ware
Kim and Neal Weichel
Kathie Weitzman
Marcia Weldon
Bobbie and Kelly Welton
Barbara and Richard Werth
Hillary West
Manijeh Weston
Kathy Whamond
Leda M Whitmer, DDS
Fran Whitney
Gail Wiedner
Loreen Wietersen
Maureen Wilksen
Pat and Charles Willett
Helen and Lee Williams
Joni and Keith Williams
Joy and Dennis Williamson
Lori Wilson
Julie and Lawrence Witter
Cathi and Rick Wolf
Rick Wolf
Ken Wullschleger
Ellen Wylder
Audrey Yanes
Ruthann Zancanaro
Melinda Zook
Advanced Bionics
Advanced Cable Solutions, Inc
Aero Engineering
Anco Design Build
Anderson Family Trust
Andy Gump Inc.
Arthur J Gallagher & Co.
Barry L King Living Trust
The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation
BMC Building Supply
Bonanza Concrete
Brian Covington Photography
C. J. Capital Investments
Camelot Movers
Concerto Salon
Ericka Malone Entertainment
Farmers Group, Inc.
Federal Escrow, Inc.
FMC Automotive
Fraternity of Alpha Chi Rho
Guin Construction
Hart High School Dance Team Booster Club
Hedman Partners
Intertex Inc.
Jewelry World
Local Pub & Grill
Maggie Keegan Gross Photography
Marstons Restaurant
Mary Shaw Trust
Oak of the Golden Dream
Pacific Edge Builders, LLC
Pender Capital Inc
Picture Stories — Koast 2 Koast Video
Rasmussen Family Foundation
Santa Clarita Com College District
Santa Clarita Concrete
Santa Clarita Magazine
SGL Technic, Inc.
Steve Kim Foundation
Newhall-Valencia Mini Storage
Teague Communications
Terry A Campbell Trust
The Ahmanson Foundation
The Bank of Santa Clarita
The Fritch Family-JF Associates
The Henry Mayo Newhall Foundation
The Klehn Family Foundation
The Sanctuary
Thomas Graphics
Tresses, LLC
Union Bank MUFG
Valencia Acura
Vance Wealth Group, Inc.
Victory Builders
Wescom Credit Union
Woodward Charitable Trust
Santa Clarita City Council:
Laurene Weste – Mayor
Jason Gibbs – Mayor Pro Tem
Cameron Smyth
Marsha McLean
Bill Miranda